Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Perfect Skin, White Teeth and a Tiny Tummy

Planning a wedding is so stressful and on top of everything every bride, or at least i do, wants to look their best. 
I officially have two more months to get ready for my wedding and with everything I have to do, I know that having great skin and feeling my best on May 18th is a key part. 

So today I have searched high and low to find the best foods to help achieve great skin, a beautiful smile and a tiny tummy. 

Perfect Skin Foods 

  • Chocolate - I was very shocked to find this food on the list. I can not think of a better way to get in a delicious treat and work on your skin. According to Fitness Magazine Chocolate helps to hydrate your skin  which will help it feel firmer and decrease puffiness. They recommend eating chocolate that contains at least 70% coca. (aka - Dark Chocolate) 
  • Yogurt - Yogurt is said to be a key ingredient for achieving perfect skin because of the protein which helps your skin become firmer and more resistant to lines. 
  • Sunflower Seeds - These seeds are loaded with Vitamin E which helps protect the top layer of your skin from the sun. It is said to help brighten your skin. And who doesn't want to look glowing on their wedding day? 
  • For all the rest of the Perfect Skin foods just click here
Teeth Whitening Foods
  • Celery, apples and carrots - Name one thing all these foods have in common. Any ideas? - The answer is that they are all CRUNCHY. I did not know this but crunchy fruits and veggies help produce more saliva and saliva is a built-in / natural cleanser. Also the crunchiness of the foods helps scrub your teeth too. 
  • Lemon juice - Lemon juice is a natural lighter ( I have actually heard people putting it on their hair to give them highlights). One way to use lemon juice to lighten your teeth is to mix it with baking soda or salt and brush with the paste. One warning though - always rinse your mouth out after doing this because it can harm your enamel if left on for too long. 
  • Strawberries - Even though this fruit is very bright berry, it is a berry that does not stain your teeth, it actually can help brighten them. The way to use strawberries to whiten your teeth naturally is to mash up the berries and mix them with baking soda until a paste is formed. Then leave the paste on your teeth for five minutes.
  • There are other great foods for getting your teeth pearly white here
Flat Belly Foods
  • Almonds - These delicious nuts help to build muscle and fight off those cravings. (And with all the food tastings and cake decisions... fighting off those cravings is key!) My trick is to always keep a little baggy of them in my purse... so when I get hungry I reach for the almonds instead of all the snack food. 
  • Chicken, Fish and Eggs - All of these foods are key a flat and tiny tummy because they are all good sources of protein. These foods will help you stay fuller longer. 
  • Olive oil and walnuts - Even though these foods are high in their fat content, they work to burn fat in your midsection. And I know that most of us would love to lose a few inches from there. 
  • For more information about the best foods for a flat tummy click here and here

How are you planning on getting in the best shape of your life this year? 

Do you have any cool beauty tricks I can try out? I am ALWAYS up to try out new tips :) 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing these information, Caitlin. I must say those stuff you listed under teeth whitening are true. But I think natural remedies need to be taken on a regular basis to achieve better result. It wouldn't be practical for you if tomorrow is your wedding day.

    Jamar Schaffer
